Monday, June 13, 2022

Novel Updates and a Very Cold Picture for a Hot Day in Austin, Texas

Hello there!

 I have been very hard at work in the last year, crafting not one but two new novels. 

The first one is a sequel to Wolves and Men. Yes! I had originally told myself that there would never be a sequel, but I stand corrected. My manuscript is edit-ready. And the third and final novel to the series is already in the works. 

I am very excited to share the continued story of my characters! 

The sequel mostly focuses on new characters, interwoven with main characters from Wolves and Men. It also revolves around the fictional Willow's Bend wildlife refuge in southeastern Oklahoma's Ouachita mountains. You are going to love it! 

I also have been deeply immersed in the work of getting Wolves and Men back in distribution. As much as I passionately love writing, I passionately despise the minute details of the business side of things. I also deeply resent the negative aspects of social media (don't we all?) and am continuing to wrestle with the problem of how to best share my work with readers, without violating my conscience by encouraging use of something which contains extremely deceptive and harmful side-effects. It may sound as though I'm overreacting, discussing something as common as a microwave as if it were an illegal substance. What else can I disparage? The television? Amazon? Hip-hop? Corn syrup? Well, not today, anyway. 

As mentioned in The Social Dilemma documentary, there are two topics people mention in terms of "using": drugs and social media. I have not used social media in quite a long time, but am aware that the majority of people in fact rely on it as part of the very fabric of their everyday lives. It is deemed absolutely essential to business as well. What was unimaginable to Jane Austen is crucial to today's writers. Perhaps this is so! 

If you have a chance to watch the documentary mentioned above, I highly recommend it. 

Recent Reads: 

The Illumined Heart by Frederica Matthews-Green

Come, Let Us Worship: A Practical Guide to the Divine Liturgy by Patrick B. O'Grady

Currently Reading: 

Know the Faith by Michael Shanbour

The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe

Aggressively Happy by Joy Marie Clarkson

What are you reading this week? 

What books have you recently read that you are just dying to share with someone else? 

Leave a comment below! 


Natasha Wittman

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